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Monday, 21 March 2016

Firmata Protocol for Arduino in under 4 mins!

Don't know Objective C? Finding it difficult to code in Arduino? Wouldn't it be awesome if you could directly code in python for your arduino? Yup, it's possible and now you'll learn how.

What this project does?
Use python language to program arduino.

This can be best understood by the following video:


Firmata Software:

Windows Remote Arduino - Turn on/off an LED

What this project does?
Teaches you to remotely turn on/off an LED using your Windows phone.

Materials Required:
1. An HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ping Sensor
2. Arduino
3. Jumpers
4. BlueSMiRF module
5. 330Ω resistor.
6. Breadboard
7. and of course, a PC with Arduino IDE installed!

Full procedure of this project in hosted here: Windows Remote Arduino

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