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Saturday 13 August 2016

Flasing LED using 555 Timer IC [555 IC]

What this project does?
Flashes an LED using the 555 timer IC.

Materials Required:
1. 1 KΩ resistors - 2 nos
2. 470 KΩ resistor - 1 nos
3. Jumpers
4. 1 µF capacitor (electrolytic/ceramic) - 1 nos
5. Bipolar 555 timer IC
6. Breadboard
7. LED - 1 nos
8. 9V battery

Hardware part:
1. Make the connections as shown:

How this works:
This circuit works in an astable mode. Thus, it generates a continuous output at the 3rd pin in the form of a square wave. Thus, the LED turns on and off.

To change the flashing rate, you can tamper with the values of R1(1kΩ) and R2(470kΩ).


1. Schematics

Friday 12 August 2016

Touch switch using 555 timer IC [555 IC]

What this project does?
Detects the stray electrostatic voltages using a 555 timer IC. The IC is used in a monostable mode and detects small charges present on your finger. Thus the led turns on when a touch is detected on the metal plate.

Materials Required:
1. 10uF capacitor
2. 10 nf capacitor
3. Jumpers
4. 6V source
5. 100kΩ resistor and 330 Ω resistor
6. Breadboard
7. 555 timer IC
8. 1 LED (Red or Green should be cool enough!)

Hardware part:
1. Make the connections as shown:

How this works:
It will detect the electrostatic buildup in a room. Your fingers or skin may have some charges.(Similar to the ones found on the comb when you rub a comb or scale on your hair and it attracts bits of paper). The pin 2 has the metal plate connected to a plate which is very much sensitive to electrostatic charges on the skin.
When the pin 2 is at a lower voltage, it triggers the circuit. If it doesn't change, you gotta touch the plate and the 0V rail.


1. Circuit schematics

Thursday 11 August 2016

Something really important!

Hey all my lovely readers! Just wanted to ask you something important. Are you interested in more and more projects, cool circuits and amazing tinkers!? If yes, please comment below so that I can be sure to add more and more content for you guys.

I am asking this because I've seen a lot of people taking interest in the things I do and write on this site. Many people have reached out to me asking for help regarding their projects.

I am really sorry for those whom I couldn't help. All I have to blame that for is my time.
I hardly get any free time nowadays because of my schedule here at NIT. (You know how hectic those labs and assignments are in Indian engineering colleges! :P)

So, guys please comment down below if you want me to continue posting articles on this site.


Monday 21 March 2016

Firmata Protocol for Arduino in under 4 mins!

Don't know Objective C? Finding it difficult to code in Arduino? Wouldn't it be awesome if you could directly code in python for your arduino? Yup, it's possible and now you'll learn how.

What this project does?
Use python language to program arduino.

This can be best understood by the following video:


Firmata Software:

Windows Remote Arduino - Turn on/off an LED

What this project does?
Teaches you to remotely turn on/off an LED using your Windows phone.

Materials Required:
1. An HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ping Sensor
2. Arduino
3. Jumpers
4. BlueSMiRF module
5. 330Ω resistor.
6. Breadboard
7. and of course, a PC with Arduino IDE installed!

Full procedure of this project in hosted here: Windows Remote Arduino

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