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Saturday, 13 August 2016

Flasing LED using 555 Timer IC [555 IC]

What this project does?
Flashes an LED using the 555 timer IC.

Materials Required:
1. 1 KΩ resistors - 2 nos
2. 470 KΩ resistor - 1 nos
3. Jumpers
4. 1 µF capacitor (electrolytic/ceramic) - 1 nos
5. Bipolar 555 timer IC
6. Breadboard
7. LED - 1 nos
8. 9V battery

Hardware part:
1. Make the connections as shown:

How this works:
This circuit works in an astable mode. Thus, it generates a continuous output at the 3rd pin in the form of a square wave. Thus, the LED turns on and off.

To change the flashing rate, you can tamper with the values of R1(1kΩ) and R2(470kΩ).


1. Schematics

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